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gain time是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gain time

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na.1.to get more time for yourself in order to do something or while you wait for something to happen

1.走得快 from time to time 有时 gain time (钟、表等)走得快 give sb. time 给某人放宽期限(如债款等) ...

2.赢得时间 Gain a reputation 获得声望 Gain time 赢得时间 Gather speed 加快速度 ...

3.争取时间 do time 坐牢, 服刑 gain time (钟表)走得快,争取时间 go with the times 随大流; 随波逐流 ...

4.拖延时间 parents' love to children is permanent 父母对孩子的爱是永久的 gain time 拖延时间 gain upon 逼近,赶上 ...

5.故意拖延时间 aginst time 争分夺秒, 赶时间 gain time 故意拖延时间 in time 及时 ...

6.节省时间 gain speed 加速 gain time 节省时间 gain trace 增益曲线 ...

7.钟表走得快 kill time 打发时间 gain time 钟表走得快 lose time 钟表走得慢 ...


1.Interrupt the negotiations or to gain time: the time in a certain suspension of negotiations.中断谈判或赢得时间:在一定的时间内中止谈判。

2.This was one of the most curious documents of modern warfare. In essence it was a no-peace-no-war formula designed to gain time.这真是一篇现代战争史上少有的奇文,提出了实质上是为争取喘息时间的一个不战不和的方案。

3.The band tried to gain time so I could recover but I had no way of coming back, since I was not able to sing.乐队设法争取时间等待我的恢复,但是我没办法回来,因为我一直不能开口唱歌。

4.The enemy's slow march made the Red Army gain time for the preparation of the next battle.敌人行动迟缓,使红军赢得时间准备下一次战斗。

5.To gain time, I pretended that I had not heard the question.为赢得(争取)时间,我假装没有听见这个问题。

6.Over the years a number of methods have been devised to allow man and woman to gain time in the air and perform a variety of skills.随着岁月的推移,人们想出了大量的方法使男女运动员能够在空中停留并表演各种不同的动作。

7.We recognized that on some issues the only thing negotiators can achieve is to gain time with dignity .我们认识到,在有些问题上,谈判双方唯一能做到的是以庄严的姿态争取时间。

8.Ask for an interpreter who could translate spoken German into Dutch, to gain time for replies.要求找一个能将德语译成荷兰语的翻译,拖延作出答复的时间。

9.He tried to gain time by postponing his decision.他想以迟迟不作决定的手段来争取时间。

10.The material in the preheating box can output, as produce need log on transport, don't need change forklift, gain time.预热箱内的料随时用随时开机输送出来,不必倒料,节省时间。
